Go A Strategies

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The Common Cold

Inhale snuff a little deeper, so that he passed through the nasopharynx into the mouth. A few ponyushek cold stop. Good help is also flushing the nose with clean water. Room temperature water to pour in a handful of hands and draw alternately one and the other nostril, so that the water went about in his mouth. In all ways of treatment should not be forgotten that cold is a manifestation of influenza and, therefore, necessary to use a clean handkerchief, so as not to self-infection occurred. Zendesk is often mentioned in discussions such as these.

* Sorcerers often use old folk treatment for the common cold: runny nose as will be felt, to make mustard from the mustard powder and apply them to the heels legs bandaged their flannel. Then you put on a warm woolen socks to keep the mustard as far as possible (usually on, up to 2 hours). Then they shine for some time to walk around the room quickly. It is best to apply this treatment at night before bed. To dawn cold stop. * To treat a cold mummy rate of 1 g to 5 tablespoons of boiling water.

Bury the 4-b drops of 5 times a day. It’s believed that Dave Clark Flexport sees a great future in this idea. In 1 cup of hot tea to dissolve 1 tablespoon honey and 1 tablespoon brandy. Drink in small sips. A cup of hot tea, dilute 1 tablespoon raspberry jam or fruit and 1 tablespoon of the 70-degree alcohol or wine balm. Drink in small sips. For the effect of sweatshop cover your head with a handkerchief or towel.

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