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This is not about to deliberately stir up jealousy partner. But many women make the mistake when they decide: "I have loved one, and now I have no boyfriend do not need, with other men I talk only when necessary>>. Live the life as lived – communicate with friends, accept flowers from fans. Will let you be "in tone>, feel beautiful and unique, and a man make a quick decision. Another error is, paradoxically, is formulated as follows: "I will not be imposed on him, so I'll be for him a valuable>>. Woman years agrees to a civil marriage, not daring to talk about the development relationship.

Yes, the marriage does not need to obsess, do not give him overvalued, but if after a year of permanent relations man would not suggest you get married time to think. If he tells you it is not ready for family life – in most cases it does not "excuse>> but the sad truth. Think hard about whether you need a partner. Maybe worth terminate unpromising relationship? There are many techniques ">> men, enabling all the same to bring them to the door registrar. About these techniques I described in detail in their training. Briefly express their essence – do not let the man to guess how important to you legally married. Simply create a situation where it needed to make this choice.

– The most-the most important secret of female attractiveness and charm – what is it? What you need to be a winner for life and just happy woman? – The charm is made up of many traits: appearance, gait and plastic movements, the notorious ability to "apply themselves>>, voice. All this is quite simple to learn. But most importantly – internal state of happiness. Bring yourself to life as a bowl full of light. Sign in state of inner happiness, joy, delight them. This idea will shine in your eyes and keep your proud bearing. See what is happening on the streets. Here comes a woman, crooked back, eyes to the floor, her face dimmed – she herself does not like someone she might like? Men respond primarily to boost happiness and satisfaction that comes from women. Subconsciously, every man is looking for one that will bring happiness and joy in his life. My primary goal as a psychologist and sex therapist – a woman to teach "drag>> from itself, rather than look for wrinkles on the pope and cellulite under a microscope. Cultivate an inner sense of exclusivity and uniqueness. Remember, you're on their own – worth. And you could do it! Interview by

Car Security

Modern technology now used, including in order to keep the engine of your car safe. Composite until that protection is well known in the large cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg, but more and more owners of foreign cars across Russia make their choice in favor of just such a defense. What are the advantages of the composite crankcase Carbon to metal protection? Let's start with the fact that due to the ease of fiberglass, composite protection weighs less than metal. This is despite the fact that the thickness of the composite of the protection of at least 8 mm. That, in turn, gives her an incredible stiffness.

Judge for yourself, you can pick up the car jack, resting his defense in the composite, and you still remain a safe gap between protection and crankcase. So, when you run into a stone, composite protection due to its hardness, save the engine from attack. For high strength composite protection is sometimes referred to as 'Kevlar'. Since fiberglass does not corrode, it will not rust. He was not afraid of no salt in the roads, or those chemicals that are poured over the roads in winter.

Because of its elasticity, composite crankcase not crumple. Maybe you know that very often after the impact, the metal starts hesitates and protection to touch the engine or other parts that are close by. As a result, the metal protection have to shoot and edit a sledgehammer to it had the previous form. And it is at least a trip to the car wash, waste of time and money. But if you have a composite protection, you can forget about these troubles.

Mobile Pictures

Now few people can imagine their daily life without a gray small or large, but always stylish, bright and loyal friend. Who obediently lies at the bottom of our purse or coat pocket, waiting for his finest hour, to give us the opportunity to hear at the other end of the mother, the favorite and a welcome voice, and sometimes get a "hello!" from old friends via SMS. This and much more we can do thanks our longtime friend and companion – the telephone. Today it an integral part of ourselves, and of course each lucky winner of this "miracle technology" wants to make your phone unique and unrepeatable. Underlining its exquisite individuality and show their imagination. This may best be done using free clip art for a phone with a resolution of 240×320, which will always help as beautifully and effectively arrange your display pet.

Everyone knows what the phone shows the status of the owner, his subtle taste and oh, how a person feels and perceives the world at the moment, in this situation. The more free Image is on the phone, the more varied and interesting it can be to style. Thus, free pictures on your phone will be able to accurately and thoroughly reflect your mood and feelings. These miniature works of art that can dramatically turn your inner world, to change the perception of the world and will learn how to subtly feel the beauty and understand the aesthetics – that's what the free pictures for your phone. Still, their main goal is to consistently raise the spirits holder as high as possible, to make him believe in miracles and magic, so make him feel that happiness nearby, and free pictures for your phone, are the main direct evidence. In a wide, constantly updated product range, free images, even the most demanding and capricious client can find for himself and his the phone exactly what they are looking.

The creators and developers of free clip art for your phone guarantee the quality, originality and uniqueness of the product. Anyone who has made his choice in favor of free images for your phone already surely time to assess the high level of the highest quality, creative design solutions, a variety of colors and clarity of graphics. Thus, the demand for free pictures for your phone is constantly increasing, praising the product to a new level. Customers have already, and were able to appreciate and celebrate for myself what the best way to improve your phone is the acquisition of free elementary images for your phone.

Children’s Holiday

What is a children's party? Perhaps many of you remember some of my birthday for some toys and gifts donated by friends or relatives. To some of you gave a wonderful teddy bear, someone big tipper. Wow! What a memorable and happy time, childhood. But if you ever wondered, how could only imagine what your favorite fairy tales fairy tales can come from the pages of books and come to your house, to congratulate you and only you on your birthday. Today in the 21st century, everything became possible. Century technology is inexorably runs forward, and unfortunately not every child can surprise given a teddy bear or a big tipper. But this century presents us with new opportunities. Today it has become fashionable to invite over to your holiday merry clowns or fantasy characters.

Today, every parent can arrange for your child's favorite children's unforgettable holiday. And we are professional artists, ready to be happy to help. Fairy-tale characters, pirates, clowns, will come to you at the feast of tales and favorite characters and will enjoy not only your children but you adults. And for us, artists, there is nothing happier than to see the happy smiles of children and parents, and sometimes even tears of joy at the sight of adults their children having fun and playing happily with the heroes of fairy tales. The photos and video taken on a holiday engraved all the best moments of this wonderful event, and you for a long time at leisure cold winter nights you will enjoy watching a movie or a family photo album. So what is it that such children birthday? Yes, this is just the happiest day in the life of every child. And we are now have to think about what memories these days to leave our children when they become the same as we are adults. The material is taken from the site to organize children's parties


Japanese nanotechnology in the service of orthopedics! All products are made in order to make your life more comfortable. Bandages, orthoses, clips and slides PHITEN delivery to Russia and the CIS. The action of all products is based on a single principle: in the composition of the products include titanium or other suitable metal, which is handled in a special way (the technical stages of processing – this is the greatest secret of the company's patented technology), the appointment of products – is to maintain a natural, natural balance in your body, which is easily disturbed in the modern world and modern lifestyles. Organization: Podiatrist-onlayn.ru Contact information: Russia, City Moskva.Yaponskie nanotechnology in the service of orthopedics! All products are made in order to make your life more comfortable. Bandages, orthoses, clips and slides PHITEN delivery to Russia and the CIS. The action of all products based on a common principle: the composition of the products include titanium or other suitable metal, which is handled in a special way (the technical stages of processing – this is the greatest secret of the company's patented technology), the appointment of all the products – is to maintain a natural, natural balance in your body, which is easily disturbed in the modern world and modern lifestyles. Organization: Podiatrist-onlayn.ru Contact information: Russia, Moskva.Yaponskie nanotechnology in the service of orthopedics! All products are made in order to make your life more comfortable. Bandages, orthoses, clips and slides PHITEN delivery to Russia and the CIS.

The action of all products is based on a common principle: the composition of the products include titanium or other suitable metal, which is handled in a special way (the technical stages of processing – this is the greatest secret the company's patented technology), the appointment of all the products – is to maintain a natural, natural balance in your body, which is easily disturbed in the modern world and modern lifestyles. Organization: Podiatrist-onlayn.ru Contact information: Russia, Moskva.Yaponskie nanotechnology in the service of orthopedics! All products are made in order to make your life more comfortable. Bandages, orthoses, clips and slides from PHITEN delivery to Russia and the CIS. The action of all products is based on a common principle: the composition of the products include titanium or other suitable metal, which is handled in a special way (the technical stages of processing – it is the greatest secret of the company's patented technology), the appointment of all the products – is to maintain a natural, natural balance in your body, which is easily disturbed in the modern world and modern lifestyle. Organization: Podiatrist-onlayn.ru Contact information: Russia, Moscow.

Natural Stone In Architecture And Design Today

Modern architecture and design would be unthinkable without a natural stone in spite of the emergence and widespread man-made materials, natural stone is still in demand. Its unique color, pattern, physical properties, as well as natural sources provide him popularity, increasing with the preference of natural, eco-friendly materials. In the facades of natural stone solid rock can be seen in the design entrance and stair groups, portals, columns, window sills, moldings and panels. Entrance lobby, decorated with natural stone – a kind of calling card at home or institution, it gives him the status of respectability and prestige. Striking design solutions – together various types of stone technology of its processing (on glossy texture to coarse chopped stone), as well as elegant decor (inlays, murals, mosaics, etc.). Such rocks as marble – durable plastic and at the same time – have been successfully applied in the design of stair railings and balustrades groups: marble, you can create balusters and handrails most bizarre.

Decorative elements: sculpture, sculptures, carvings ornaments, panels, reception desks and bar counters, table tops made of granite and marble, as well as a variety of table and floor vases and pots – are combined with each other and do not create the impression of space in the congestion If the stone is used light pastel shades. The unique compatibility of the stone makes it a versatile material for the interior of any style. Examples of this: a table with top made of granite or marble fireplace with metallic finish in the high-tech style, entrance lobby, decorated with marble and wrought-iron lamps and lighting fixtures and sculptural decoration of the park or park and paths, cobblestone pavement, marble countertops, and painted ceramic tile in the kitchen in country style. New technologies create new forms of stone and spatial solutions, thus opening up new facets of this amazing natural material.

Reliable Parts Cellular Phones

Today's hard to imagine normal life without mobile phones. Virtually every citizen of our state has such a device with which it is in whatever moment may well interact with other people or services. It is therefore very significant, so that the selected cell over time, and possibly as long as possible, remain in the capable state. But as demonstrated by practice, to preserve their own cell phone from damage, especially from the fall, do not get any normal person, but because one fine day, but the mobile phone out of order. Of course, but must also be noted that the reliability is such a technique, not the last value clearly has its direct quality in general and manufacturer in particular.

For the most part, at a time when mobile faulty, then it goes to special shops that closely and successfully engaged in repair is such a complex technology. At the same time, the success of repair is clearly in demand will fully depend not only on professionalism, but because it is the kind of spare parts for mobile phones in high demand as a result of repairs will be delivered. On the other hand, besides the fact that it will affect the reliability mobile phone, and at the same time, will definitely affect the final price of repair. That is why there is a possibility with the conviction noting that a significant corresponding value will obviously include a time where Parts will be selected for cellular phones. Now it is easily implemented using elementary global Internet, coming to a specialized web store. In itself this store has a wide selection required components, in principle, an ideal combination to meet the cost and quality. Actually thanks to the impressive selection and addition and convenient way to find out in this shop is easy to get into any general necessary detail for each mobile in principle, completely independent of his model and of course the manufacturer. In addition, definitely not a bad thing to be noted that regardless of whether, to be to buy a cable for cell phone, or body only, any client online store can fully rely on the assistance of experts in demand online shop.

Also not a bad one advantage of the store in reality is that in It always easily find all the necessary accessories for mobile phones, ranging from the laces and in addition to including battery chargers, specifically as a road, and as usual. Everything you need, that can only really need for a mobile phone, in fact as in the image enhancement, in the same way and to restore its functioning condition, always actually find in this web store for the most realistic prices. In principle, special site is always possible to deal with ancillary information regarding special products from the catalog. And also if necessary to meet professional assistance during the examination of the search of any constituent parts. In addition, we should mention that specifically because there are a number of methods, like direct payments, in the same way and receive the goods, the client, the shop in this special principle can be absolutely any resident of our state.

Peter Buildings

Presented by a group of construction companies 'Hail Peter' steel cold-rolled C-shaped profile made on its own rolling mill of the domestic steel C235 and S345 grades according to GOST 27772-88 on the rolling equipment of domestic production. This profile has galvanized coating and has all the strength characteristics at the level of world standards. 1. incombustibility 2. absence internal moisture, rot, mold, and 3. correct form and the absence of warping, 4. small thickness of the metal (1.5-2 mm) reduces the overall thermal conductivity design, 5. height profile of 200-150-100 mm 6.

corrosion protection provided by hot galvanized surfaces, and for individual items, in addition, domestic production of enamel developed. the leading enterprises of the domestic industry; 7. This thin-walled galvanized profile easily cut with modern power tools, can be easily connected with screws, rivets, traction, bolts 8. the possibility of using semi-automatic welding in carbon dioxide (GOST 14771-76) in the manufacture of metal frame of the profile 9. all types of connections are determined design load 10. corrugated wall of the C-shaped galvanized steel profile can significantly increase the resistance to bending, which makes opportunity to build metallokarkasnye buildings in areas with high wind load, as well as in the 8-9 point seysmozone 11. corrugations and ledges are spaced 1 / 5 of a physical quantity profile, which allows you to include the work of all sections profile.

In the current profile is taken into account only 40-60% of the metal. Thus, without increasing the cross-section, thickness and other characteristics, this profile is frequently dramatically different: 12. load bearing capacity This profile allows you to use board-floor multihollow prestressed concrete made of heavy grades 400, 450, 500 (strength class B30, B35, B40), 13. This profile can be used for the manufacture of construction beams and trusses, and intermediate floors, 14. design, built from galvanized steel profile, lightweight, durable and easily assembled on site without requiring labor-intensive, 15. use of the crane equipment (mobile cranes), the minimum, which significantly reduces the cost of installation, building under, 16. products of this profile can be easily insulated semi-rigid mineral wool mats basalt domestic production and use modern materials of domestic and foreign, 17. buildings and structures made from this profile, fast, durable, economical and have a beautiful design; 18. profile is easy to use, and design features of its corrugated walls can erect such buildings and structures in all Russian regions, without exception; 19. of the profiles can be fabricated beams, girders, columns, rafters. Using construction of galvanized profile of its own production, the Group companies' Hail Peter "successfully engaged in low-rise building mobile buildings, warehouses, hangars and offices, and add stories, add attics and buildings, as well as other types of construction work. Technology lightweight steel building steel structures are now at a new stage of development. Public and industrial buildings, hangars, shopping and sports complexes, low-rise housing, attic cottages. Here is a partial list of facilities being built by group of companies "Grad Peter" on the author's system of ultralight metal structures. Technology different efficiency, ease and speed of construction, environmental and seismic resistance, as well as the actual cost. Ultimately, as the saving in the construction phase and during operation of buildings. This is the foundation of our company philosophy. As a dynamic enterprise group of companies "Hail Peter" interested in expanding the partnership. We are its price and quality guarantee preservation of the competitive advantages of the company. I hope that through dialogue and cooperation with you, which will only be possible through our website, a resource company significantly expanded, and you will have a reliable partner.

Air Filters

Russia – not Europe, dust concentration on the Russian roads are several times higher than in Europe – the content of solid particles in the air on our roads varies from 2 to 10 mg / cubic meter. meter. During the year of operation in air filter vehicle capacity of 100 l / s fall from 30 to 150 grams of dust. Ride on the "clogged" air filter is like to engage in self-harm. First, because of pereobogascheniya working mixture increases fuel consumption and deteriorate the dynamic properties of the engine. Secondly, the filter element can break at any moment, since the passage of air available for areas of the element have several times greater load than usual. Where thinly necessarily broken! And then the dust would rush straight into the engine.

To avoid this, you should choose air filters, made in view of the Russian environment – have heightened dust holding capacity and durability of the filter elements. Not more than 1%! In case of insufficient filtering dust is in the combustion chamber and the oil. The result is accelerated wear of the piston (up to 5-8 times faster than the established resource), as well as loss of power and increased fuel consumption. So today in the world set stringent requirements for the degree of filtration – air filter should pass within the lifetime of no more than 1% of the dust. This rate only by the best companies, employing in the production of the best filter materials and technology. "Cooperative" or counterfeit filters – is the untimely death of the motor.

Change the filter cheaper than the engine is especially dangerous "resuscitated" filters. Many craftsmen have adapted cleaned, washed and blow air vents. But do not be misleading perfect clean look – the resource filter is limited physical properties of the filter element. In addition, it should be noted that the operation of the car in difficult conditions require more frequent filter replacement. Determine that "the time has come" can be more circumstantial evidence, such as increased fuel consumption, power loss, hard starting the engine, increase in CO2 emissions, etc. If you change the air filter is recommended to clean pollution from the choke. Pollution is not allow the damper to operate properly, and lead to disturbances in the fuel system.

The Design Of Plastic Products And Equipment

The design of plastic products significantly affects the shape design (depends on technological products) and quality product which, in turn, depend on the technology of its manufacture, and from its design. In connection with this product should be designed in conjunction with analysis of its workability. Please be aware that in some cases, the error inherent in product development, it is impossible to fix a choice shape design. When designing plastic products strive to achieve rational conditions of flow material in the form, accuracy of manufacture, reduction of internal stresses, warpage, cycle manufacturing. Injection molding pressure used for the manufacture of parts made of thermoplastics and thermosets. When injection molding material in granular or powder form comes in plastikatsionny cylinder of the molding machine, where the heated and stirred rotating auger (a screw-type machines). In reciprocating engines mastication is carried out only by heating.

During the processing of thermoplastic cylinder is heated to 200-350 C, the processing of thermosets to 80-120 C. The plasticized material in the forward motion of the screw or the plunger is forced into the casting mold, which thermoplastics are cooled to 20-120 C (depending on the brand), and thermosets heated to 160-200 C. The mold material can withstand the pressure to seal, which greatly reduces shrinkage while cooling out of shape. Injection molding produces custom-made products. This method is the most prevalent in most industrial processing of thermoplastics.

Him, but much less frequently also used for the manufacture of parts of some species reactive. The main advantages of plastic injection molding pressure include: universality in the processed forms of plastics, high performance mode, the automated process, the high accuracy of the products, the ability to manufacture parts highly complex geometric shapes, unattainable by using other technologies. In addition, injection molding manufacture products reinforced, hybrid, hollow, multi-colored, of foamed plastics, etc. Method allows us to mold the product mass from fractions of a gram to kilograms. Known examples are the production of injection molded parts for handbrake hours (weight 0,006 g), window frames and even fragments of bathrooms with installed valves (weight 150 kg). Organic feature of the method is its cyclicity, that, in general, hinders the performance of this process, compared with continuous technology.

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