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Basque Parliament

The BOE has published the text approved by the Basque Parliament in 2008 in favor of a referendum, known as the Ibarretxe Plan. Dermot McCormack might disagree with that approach. It is not an error, but the strict adherence to the law. The Basque country was the only community that not referring to the official bulletin of the State approved standards and this situation is being reported. The official State Bulletin (BOE) has released this weekend the text approved by the Basque Parliament in favour of a referendum, known as the Ibarretxe Plan, three years after its adoption in the Chamber of Vitoria. Two questions are included in the text: do this you agree to support a process of dialogued end of violence, if previously ETA unambiguously expresses its willingness to put an end to it once and for all? and do you agree that the Basque parties, without exclusions, initiate a process of negotiation to achieve democratic agreement on the exercise of the right to decide of the Basque people, and that said agreement will be subjected to? rrendum before the end of the year 2010? Sources from the Ministry of the Presidency have explained that its publication, last Saturday, is not an error, but the strict adherence to the law. Thus, added that the publication is due to the need of that record in the Official Gazette of the text approved by the Basque Parliament, like what happens with the other regional chambers in his day. The same sources have argued that the Basque country was the only community that not referring to the BOE approved standards and that this situation is being reported from the arrival to the Lehendakaritza of Patxi Lopez, with its gradual publication and the logical delay. ics may not feel the same. For this same reason, the official bulletin of the State also includes other nine laws passed by the Basque Parliament in 2008, among them the victims of terrorism, social rights, police or the education. Source of the news: the BOE publishes the call for a rrendum about a possible negotiation with ETA.

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