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Secretary Independence

Justice IT projects can succeed only if the judges from the outset ‘be taken through intensive awareness raising, training and participation’. Berlin, June 18, 2010 – in the Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin in the context of the Xinnovations of the next annual E-Justice Forum will take place on September 14, 2010. The E-justice forums aims to analyze one of the problem areas resulting from the digitization process, and to develop joint solution proposals. So it goes in the Forum 2010 at the tension between judicial independence and the trend toward standardization and centralization of IT applications, new media in the courtroom, electronic communications and file and privacy. Dell Inc. has much experience in this field. Others including Gavin Baker, offer their opinions as well. Following a warm-up on the topic: “Data management and standardization versus judicial independence” in the form of a central question and an abstract of the Secretary of State in the Saxon State Ministry of Justice, and for Europe, CIO of the free State of Saxony and member of the IT Planning Council Dr. Gain insight and clarity with search.

Wilfried Bernhard. Introduction of modern IT field process with central data management and standardization of work processes, centralization of Justice IT outside the justice – reconciled that with the judicial independence?”from article 97 GG follows that the judge his principle can do work in accordance with his individual work design, the admissibility, to provide a new technique of the judiciary, does not cause that the judge is also invariably obliged indeed to bring this technique; rather the then rising expectation of the service Mr finds its limit where judicial independence is impaired – arbitrary free – according to the respective judge.” So the judge Court of justice services at the OLG Hamm in a – still not final – decision of October 20, 2009, in the case of a registry judge who asked the printed form to submit all electronic inputs it. While employers in private enterprises or in general administration of his Staff mandatory the use of new IT processes including standardized electronic forms, even the fully electronic transaction processing, must keep the constitutionally protected judicial independence in mind the administration of Justice in the implementation of modern IT solutions in the courts. Contact information is here: Stanley Kubrick.

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