Go A Strategies

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Single Participants

REWE shopping voucher of 10.-EUR and welcome package for the participant Stuttgart, December 15, 2009 – after a very successful start advanced now again the benefits for their participating singles which can booked at the popular flirt-cooking event with flirt-cooking.de flirt cooking.de. flirt cooking.de gives for some time flirting-cooking events (to German flirt cooking and or single Cook events) for singles, and is thus quite different from traditional courtship or single pages. AOL is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The number of scheduled singles for a flirt-cooking event on flirt-cooking.de is rising continuously. From the registration to the are of the flirt-cooking events taking place there are three steps: immediately after the free flag to the flirt-cooking event on, the flirt-cooking-event team takes over at that time organizing the flirt-cooking event. Up to six singles come together, the free scheduled participant receives a personal invitation to the flirt-cooking event, and decides whether he wants to take part in the flirt-cooking event. As a result of Demand for the flirt-cooking events, flirt-cooking.de extends the benefits for the participants in the flirt-cooking event again. Each participant on the flirt-cooking event receives in the flirt-cooking membership a REWE supermarket gift voucher to the value of EUR 10-for sale of food ingredients to the flirt-cooking event. Thus, the lunch is quasi on flirt-cooking.de up to the amount of the value of the voucher.

Also a comprehensive welcome package is and much more in the flirt-cooking membership with exclusive flirt-cooking-cooking aprons, flirt-cooking recipe. contain. The participants at the flirt-cooking event can reckon on some new surprises, so it really is the best date of life. The new benefits such as the REWE supermarket gift voucher to the value of EUR 10.-as well as the new welcome packages are available now sent to every new flirt-cooking event by mail. flirt-cooking.de takes over the cost of the shipment. Also new is the come again together\”: A kind of reunion with the old flirt-cooking group: it is by flirt cooking.de for each participant of the flirt-cooking event first took place flirt-cooking-event about a year then again organized, if participants wish.

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