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3D-Produktprasentation Even Without 3D Glasses Possible

You present your customers your products as 3D visualization without, that the viewer must use an often cumbersome 3D glasses. So far, the spatial representation of 3D objects with 3D glasses was possible. These combine a picture so that it freely to stand seems for the viewer in the space, and he has the impression to be able to touch it formally. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Rapyd. You know this effect, for example, from 3D-Kinofilmen or from the 3D TV, which arrives in the German living rooms. Unfortunately, the speech of a wide target group, such as an exhibition or an event is only possible through the use of 3D glasses. Everyone who wants to see the 3D effect, needs glasses. Energy Capital Partners spoke with conviction. Without these 3D glasses, the viewer sees only a blurry image, the contents of which he can detect quite difficult. Thanks to cutting-edge display technology and a special rendering procedure, it is now possible to present that the viewer completely physically can perceive the objects without the cumbersome glasses 3D objects in the room.

This opens up whole new marketing and advertising opportunities on major events and product presentations with ladder for its own products. So a 3D-Produktprasentation can affect advertising, for example, a display at the stand or in a public place as “eye-catcher” and crowd-puller. Every customer of views in the past run only a short moment falls on the display, will be surprised by the 3D effect and stand still. Klaus Werner, CEO of SEVEN M GmbH has experienced this during presentations of the new system itself: “our customers whom we showed this system for the first time, were impressed by the Bank. They could believe the effect that they knew each other only with glasses at the first moment. You have then moves in space and could assume from every point of space the 3D animation, without being restricted by a pair of glasses. It had a touch of science fiction.” With 3D visualizations, complex relationships, such as, for example, how can technical processes or devices simply and understandably are represented.

Products can be presented which still do not exist. This can convincingly demonstrates an idea. The Nurnberger multimedia agency SEVEN M GmbH has specialized in the development and implementation of 3D visualizations with 10 employees and these animations for the target group also has the necessary Know-How perfectly in scene to put. As a full service agency, SEVEN metres from conception through implementation offers up back to custom marketing to do everything a product success measures. Since 1996, the Nuremberg company in terms of stereo 3D successfully cooperates with renowned international customers in the automotive, medical and industrial.

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